OMC's Blog

WIP- Go for Javascript Developers

March 12, 2019


Variable declaration is as is:

var name string
name = "Oguzhan"

const constant = 3.14

When in a scope (between curly braces), you can utilize type inference

func main() {
  name := "Oguzhan"

Built in types

bool string
int  int8  int16  int32  int64
uint uint8 uint16 uint32 uint64 uintptr
byte // alias for uint8
rune // alias for int32
float32 float64
complex64 complex128

- No semicolon at the end of the instructions
- There is no `try catch` mechanism in Go. Manuel error checking

res, err = call()
if err != nil {
  • Functions may return multiple values
func helloWorld() -> string, error {
  return "Hello World", nil
  • There is no concept of class. Use struct instead
type Car struct {
  year int
  model string
  brand string
  color string

You can add methods to the struct

func (c Car) run () {
  fmt.Println("Car is running")

You can mutate existing properties of a struct

func (c *Car) changeColor(color string) {
  c.color = color

Oguzhan Murat Cakmak, starting his software career in Istanbul and advancing through roles in San Francisco at Uber and Hims&Hers, now does remote work from Kaş, Antalya, balancing his passion for technology with interests in kitesurfing, diving, hiking, and exploring diverse content on podcasts. Follow him on Twitter and Instagram


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